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Easy Video Clips from Text for Increased Revenue

Business Idea Analyzer, Virtually Try On Clothes

In this edition:

  1. Virtually Try On Clothing with AI

  2. Business Idea Analyzer

  3. AI Created Video Clips

  4. 30 AI Video Clips Fast

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1. Virtually Try On Clothing with AI

I often find clothes I really like online but I rarely buy them. The problem? The fit. I have what some would call an “awkward” body. I don’t have a third arm growing out of my back or anything, but a lot of clothes just don’t look right on me. So I need to try on clothes before buying.

Now there is an AI for businesses that allows their customers to try on clothing virtually. Kopia will undoubtedly close more sales and increase business revenues.

2. Business Idea Analyzer

IdeaApe.com is a SaaS platform that allows you to analyze business ideas. You type in a niche and it provides you with the pain points of the customers and allows you to dig deeper to build your website and offer.

Pricing starts at $20/mo for 50 searches per month and also includes a $60/mo and $250+/mo plan.

This is an interesting idea. Finding and fixing pain points is what successful businesses do. And if it avoids the need to use focus groups or surveys, this service could be very valuable.

It’s just not clear to me that this platform does all that. The website is pretty sparse and doesn’t provide any examples of the output - so I’m a bit skeptical of its effectiveness.

With that said, this would be a pretty easy business to set up - even if you are accessing sentiment analysis from online platforms as they do. So I think this is a ripe opportunity (maybe for you?).

3. AI Created Video Clips

So you need a video clip but know nothing about filming, editing, etc. No worries. Hubspot is now offering a Clip Creator which creates video clips from text with just a few clicks.

Simply describe your video, the tone you’d like, the type of video (helpful, creative, witty, etc.) and the AI will take care of the rest. And from Hubspot, it will eventually be pretty good if it’s not already.

It’s never been easier to start and run a business!

4. 30 AI Videos Fast

So what if you need a bunch of videos for various uses, instead of just one? They’d be even more tedious to produce and edit.

Promo will make 30 AI-generated videos for business marketing for use on a variety of platforms. Just enter your website. Saves time and money. Try for free with tiers at $29/mo, $59/mo and $199/mo.

In the News…

AI Meme of the week…tough choice…

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